Designed For Healthcare.

Built By
Industry Experts

We've built Ariya using our decades of healthcare experience. From day one, you have a digital assistant who understands you.

Who We Are
AI for HCP engagement

All that business information you seek is just a ask away

Ask Ariya to...

Ask Ariya to...

Find Information

Ariya, the digital assistant instantly finds the info you need. Just ask, and it's there

Instant Answers = Instant Kudos

You'll never get caught out again with Ariya by your side. Always look like a star player by instantly getting the critical data points that make your case.

Ariya - AI for pharma
Ariya - AI for pharma

Find Information

Get Straight to the point

Ask Ariya to find those important data point in the dense documents and spend less time reading and most of your time doing.

Instant Answers = Instant Kudos

You'll never get caught out again with Ariya by your side. Always look like a star player by instantly getting the critical data points that make your case.

Ariya - Top AI tool for pharma

Get Straight to the point

Ask Ariya to find those important data point in the dense documents and spend less time reading and most of your time doing.

Ask Ariya to...

Analyse & Compare

Finding data is complex, and analysing it can be tough. A digital assistant like Ariya ends your analysis headaches.

Analyse & Compare

Analyst in the room

Don't get caught in the intense pressure of meetings. With Ariya, walk confidently into meetings. Ariya has all the data you need to make meetings super productive and stress free.

Ariya - An enterprise AI for pharma
Ariya - ChatGPT for pharma

Analyse & Compare

Quick decisions, Well done!

Ariya's Conversational AI makes it simple to access and get data-driven evidences that supports instant decision-making

Analyse & Compare

Analyst in the room

Don't get caught in the intense pressure of meetings. With Ariya, walk confidently into meetings. Ariya has all the data you need to make meetings super productive and stress free.

Analyse & Compare

Quick decisions, Well done!

Ariya's Conversational AI makes it simple to access and get data-driven evidences that supports instant decision-making

Ask Ariya to...

Create Reports

Overcome client objections, respond to management queries or quickly prepare for your review.

Create Reports

Reports in a flash

Is departmental reporting taking too long? Not any more. Ask Ariya for any summary, and she'll do all the hard work.

Reporting for pharma with AI
Access information with AI for pharma

Create Reports

Make a CRM entry – Handsfree!

Now you can dictate form entries to Ariya, and she’ll do the rest.

Create Reports

Reports in a flash

Is departmental reporting taking too long? Not any more. Ask Ariya for any summary, and she'll do all the hard work.

AI for pharma

Create Reports

Make a CRM entry – Handsfree!

Now you can dictate form entries to Ariya, and she’ll do the rest.

Ask Ariya to...

Keep You Updated

Stay in control. Monitor performance of peers, accounts or territories. Never miss irregularities or the chance to say ‘well done’

Keep You Updated

Get threshold alerts

Get proactive notifications in case of emergencies or irregularities on predicted forecasts.

Generative AI for pharma

Keep You Updated

Keep an eye on your competitors

Get informed protectively of your competitor moves. Ariya monitors online channels in real time and enables you to keep track of what your rivals are up to.

Keep You Updated

Get threshold alerts

Get proactive notifications in case of emergencies or irregularities on predicted forecasts.

Keep You Updated

Keep an eye on your competitors

Get informed protectively of your competitor moves. Ariya monitors online channels in real time and enables you to keep track of what your rivals are up to.

Ask Ariya to...


Use Conversational AI to distribute or communicate the most recent healthcare and pharmaceutical information externally, as well as with team members and stakeholders


Navigate Patient Site

Improve your website usability by giving the user a conversational user experience.


RSVP Ariya

Make information available in a conversational manner with Ariya. Be it congress or in your internal sharepoint, Ariya will always be there to get you the information you need anytime, anywhere.


Navigate Patient Site

Improve your website usability by giving the user a conversational user experience.


RSVP Ariya

Make information available in a conversational manner with Ariya. Be it congress or in your internal sharepoint, Ariya will always be there to get you the information you need anytime, anywhere.


Many business user groups benefit from Ariya

Ariya serves everyone, not just specific user-groups. Click any group to learn more!


What innovators have to say about Ariya

Ariya has gained traction in the healthcare industry

We used Ariya quite a few times during our online Teams project management sessions to get quick reports and key data to check if we're on track.

Project Manager, UK

You have done an amazing job to change the way we get information. We are excited and believe this will be useful for the MSLs as well.

Product Head, Spain

This is amazing, my reps in the field can use this on spot for better objection handling and avoid delays from stakeholders to resolve the queries. Plus, they get more time on the field.

Sales Manager, Germany

Ariya is enterprise-ready and scalable

Ariya can seamlessly integrate with your organization’s knowledge repository and information sources


Ariya is secure & compliant

Ariya is secure and protects user privacy by design. We follow a comprehensive process to ensure the content provided complies with legal, regulatory and governing body standards in all relevant geographies.

AI for medical affairs - whitepaper

How AI Will Change Medical Affairs Landscape?

This whitepaper delves into the integration of AI digital assistants to enhance medical communication, optimize scientific data analysis, and streamline healthcare stakeholder engagement. This comprehensive overview sheds light on the potential benefits and challenges that AI brings to reshape the landscape of Medical Affairs.

Download Now

8 Reasons Medical Affairs Teams Require An AI-Augment Solution

Discover why Medical Affairs teams need AI-digital assistant! Dive into our blog to explore eight simple reasons why AI is becoming essential for these teams. We'll break down the complexities of pharmaceutical work and show you how an AI digital assistant can make their jobs easier and more effective.

Read More

Modern Challenges Faced By Medical Affairs Teams

Explore the pivotal role of Medical Affairs Teams in the intricate world of pharmaceuticals as they navigate through modern challenges. In this blog, we delve into the demanding responsibilities these teams shoulder and how the integration of AI technologies like Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) emerges as a promising solution.

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Reinvent the way you get information with Ariya

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